Pay attention to the birds: Part 4- Hummingbird

hummingbird Frida

I came across a bush the other day abuzz with crimson hummingbirds.  BREATHTAKING.

If the hummingbird shows up in your life as a spirit animal, it may remind you to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and take time to enjoy yourself. The hummingbird’s wisdom carries an invitation to take part in and draw to you life’s sweetness, like you would drink the nectar of your own flower.

The call of the hummingbird totem will guide you to open up to love and lightness in your emotional life. When you see your totem, you are encouraged to open up your heart and expose yourself more to joy and love. It might be time to show how you feel to loved ones or people who are close to you. [source]

I recall watching hummingbirds land on my sea of sunflowers in my Roberts Creek garden.

I often dream of them.

From Dream Journal- the rat, the jay and the hummingbird

The hummingbird reminds me that by taking small steps, I can achieve my dreams.

I have turned a new leaf of late— simplifying my life and allowing myself to take those smaller steps.

And to NOT complicate the path.  It’s all good.

If you have bitten off more than you can chew and if you were not ready for your bid for power, it will be obvious. Do not judge yourself, just make an adjustment and take a baby step instead of a huge leap. Practice gratitude for all of your opportunities and when you feel overwhelmed go back to handling the details in front of you, one at a time. – – Source


I spent a beautiful morning with Brenda Morrison and her students teaching a 4th year Criminology class with Laura Mack at SFU on February 23, 2015.

The lovely egg above was a gift from Brenda- made by “lifer” at Ferndale Institute.  It features a hummingbird with the word “spirit.”

In October, Brenda gave me a beautiful book from another SFU class: The Flight of the Hummingbird. The theme of the book is the power of taking small steps to achieve a big goal.  

“I am doing what I can.” – Dukdukdiya.  

Birds hold so much meaning to me.  And they always feel like messengers, telling me to pay strict attention.

See also:

PART 1: Kingfisher

PART 2: American Robin

PART 3: Pigeon

POST: They let their wings down…

POST: Dead messengers

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