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A very private piece finished by you in a very public way. An artwork’s 4 year journey. #grief #Frida #Camille

Recall my March 5 postThis piece is a love letter to my dear dance partner and friend (dancer/artist/scientist) Claudia Camille, who died in 2007…  Claudia and I are portrayed in our roles we played so often: me in grief as Frida Kahlo, Claudia stoic and determined as Camille ClaudelHer reasons for leaving were profound and heartbreaking.  She played a HUGE part in directions my life took and I tried to process her passing through this piece but somehow could never finish it.

At the March 10th art event, in the spirit of interactive art, participants added to the piece:

Jay Fisher adds to the piece in a very powerful way.

On March 31, my student Alicia continued on the piece, creating a womb-like effect:

This evening I pulled out my favorite bottle of white acrylic and added the finishing touch.  I feel like my letter of grief is written.  It is powerful and moving.   This was an experiment in trust and letting go.

(22″ x 27″ on masonite board)

Dedicated to Claudia Camille Wöber, my gentle dance partner, who thrived with and deserved honesty and truth.


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