“The Dead Heron.” #100Herons Art Project

I am between contracts– creatively hustling while applying for new contracts to survive and to be able to provide specially requested arts programming for refugee youth (at no cost to their program).  That is what my 100 Herons Art Project is all about.   HERON’S MOST SIGNIFICANT ESSENCE: aggressive self-determination and self-reliance Check out: I am focusing…

Partnering to Create a Culture of Care.

I am happy to announce a new site: my collaboration with Beverley Pomeroy! CULTURE OF CARE Earlier this year, Bev and I were invited to facilitate a pilot project with the upper management of a national independent living brand and operator.   Little did we know, that we would become deeply involved in developing and advocating for a…

The heart of communication is to observe, wait and listen…

A major part of my role in any workshop that I facilitate is CREATIVE ENGAGEMENT.  I am currently sitting at gate B25 at the airport in Toronto prepping to head home after an incredible experience co-delivering workshops that address challenges and provide staff team training in a particular residential living community.  — — To engage…

I asked them to draw themselves as a superhero…

I was doing graphic recording and co-facilitating a workshop for frontline staff at a residential living facility in Toronto last week. The focus of the workshop was Interdependence of Community Engagement in Residential Living, with key facilitator Beverley Pomeroy. We mind mapped so much with this group that we had to double/triple layer the large wall mind map!…