Shaping non-fiction characters.

What was initially to be a short volunteer research project into a Vancouver cold case to support a theory championed by a retired homicide detective, became, for me [and continues to be], a 17+ year personal journey “to restore to now dead people the fullness and degree of complication of their lives. To restore their humanness…

Come back to me.

Come back to me, Molly.  It’s been a strange time- hiding you from the world in order to explore new ways of telling your story.   I’m not sure I like this anymore. You chose me.  Remember?  At the library?  15 years ago.  As your spirit wandered restlessly on the  viaduct, you passed through me with…

Catacomb of Veils- Burning Man 2016, Part 2 of 4: The Inspiration

Recall Part 1: The Project Catacomb of Veils will be the largest art piece at Burning Man 2016 and one of the largest burned sculptures in the history of the event. Everyone participating in the creation of Catacomb is all-volunteer with a commitment to the transformative power of temporary art. – SOURCE Part 2 of…

The importance of the vintage photograph as creative resource.

  There is no end to the inspiration I get from looking at vintage photographs- through immersion comes awakened imagination. The central characters in my graphic novel are real people but as I am doing an artistic interpretation of real events, I revel in the freedom to flesh out the central characters using old photos as a…

Stick to the facts in the text, avoid assumptions, yet draw conclusions.

In my current project, Molly, I use mainly primary sources and secondary sources such as news articles, as well as well-vetted research in order to build the story around the cold case. The drawings are then freely inspired from the research, i.e. they are an artistic interpretation. I can combine my research to build portraits….

When grief is like a wave crashing on shore…

I attended an event last night at the Vancouver Public Library. I am so glad I went alone, for not only could I soak in the event itself (as I am passionate about this case), but I could really sit in my personal grief. This was the room I sat in with my Mom as…

Circumstantial. Putting the research together.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference. On its own, it is the nature of circumstantial evidence for more than one explanation to still be…

Finding Norah. #graphicnovel #Vancouver

PROJECT FUNDED on KICKSTARTER! MOLLY- the graphic novel (model: Jocelyn Louise) — Recall my post about Molly’s mother: Hanora (Norah) Morris: Norah’s relationship with her daughter was a complex one.  One that I hope to explore in the illustrations. Tonight I had dinner with my dear friend, Tracey Bell.  Her beauty and spirit inspires me to no…

Molly’s consequence. #graphicnovel #Vancouver

MOLLY- the graphic novel — There is no refuge from confession but suicide; and suicide is confession. – D. Webster — Many have been asking if they can still contribute to the graphic novel project.  That’s wonderful and very helpful!!!  The rewards will stay the same as on Kickstarter.  Take a look at the rewards on the Kickstarter site….

Molly’s mother, Norah, born 1900, #graphicnovel #Vancouver

PROJECT FUNDED on KICKSTARTER! MOLLY- the graphic novel — YEAR 1900 Molly’s mother was born Hanora (also found spelled Norah or Nora) Morris (or Morriss).  Her birth date was February 19, 1900 and the passenger list indicates she was born in Ballagh, Ireland- likely the Ballagh in the county of Donegal and the northern province of Ulster[1]….

BOX 2 Item 30- 4 small rib bones, #graphicnovel #Vancouver

PROJECT FUNDED on KICKSTARTER! MOLLY- the graphic novel — PHYSICAL EVIDENCE BOX 2 Item 30- 4 small rib bones The most touching moment for me when inspecting the evidence in 2004 was coming across an unlabeled brown paper bag containing four small bones.  The bones appear to be rib bones and I speculate that these bones…

Vintage fur coat. Eerily perfect.. #graphicnovel #Vancouver

PROJECT FUNDED on KICKSTARTER! MOLLY- the graphic novel – Today I purchased a vintage furcoat on ETSY from wolfman1377 Vintage Clothing and Accessories for use in the next illustration resource photo shoot.  It sends shivers down my spine as it is very close to the original found at the scene, including bakelite buttons. ETSY ITEM: SCRUMPTIOUS vintage…

Why a #graphicnovel? @Kickstarter @annatfabulous

PROJECT FUNDING HAS LAUNCHED on KICKSTARTER: As of this moment [September 4, 2011], we’re 79% funded!!! YAY!!! BUT to get funding we need to reach 100%! That’s how Kickstarter works! Please help us make our goal by Sept 11 5:17 PM! Thank you everyone!  HUGS! — The case itself centres around two unknown children, two young…

Post War #Vancouver. #graphicnovel @Kickstarter

PROJECT FUNDING HAS LAUNCHED on KICKSTARTER: He brushed the leaves aside and uncovered the most baffling double murder Vancouver has ever had. – The Vancouver Province April 15, 1953 – The case itself centres around two unknown children, two young brothers who deserve to be identified. — POST WAR VANCOUVER I fall in love with Vancouver more…

Eyewitness. #graphicnovel #Vancouver @Kickstarter @annatfabulous

PROJECT FUNDING HAS LAUNCHED on KICKSTARTER: He brushed the leaves aside and uncovered the most baffling double murder Vancouver has ever had. – The Vancouver Province April 15, 1953 – Our Kickstarter campaign ends on September 11, 2011 at 5:17 PM.  Please consider donating!  LET’S DO THIS!  Love, Anna (producer) and Katarina (writer, illustrator) See more links and posts about…